Friday 11-25-22
Reminder……. 10:am class only
3 rounds
500/400m row
12 deadlifts 155/105
21 box jumps 24/20
Reminder……. 10:am class only
3 rounds
500/400m row
12 deadlifts 155/105
21 box jumps 24/20
The gym will be closed today and will have a holiday schedule tomorrow. Friday we will have one class at 10:00am.
back squats
2 rounds
100 double unders
25 shoulder-to-overhead 95/65
25 burpees
30 clean and jerks 135/95
30 snatches 135/95
5k run or row or 10k bike
with a partner,
200 kb swings 70/53
*resting partner holds a kb in the front rack 53/35
**reminder** No 6:30pm class tonight
5 min AMRAP
15/10 cal row
10 pushups
rest 5:00
5 min AMRAP
15/10 cal row
10 pushups
**reminder, no 6:30pm class on Friday
20 min AMRAP
4 db thrusters 50/35
6 toes-to-bar
24 double unders
EMOM 12:
Minute 1 | 5 strict weighted pull-ups
Minute 2 | 5 strict weighted dips