Tuesday 11-1-22
5 rounds
30/24 cal bike
2:00m rest
5 rounds
30/24 cal bike
2:00m rest
4 rounds
20 wall ball shots 20/14
400m run
1:30 max reps toes-to-bar
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps ring dips
1:00 rest
1:30 max reps hip/back extension
1:00 rest
1:30 max distance handstand walk
30 min AMRAP
max cal row
begin with 10 burpees, then every 3:00 do 10 burpees
5 rounds for time:
36 double-unders
12 thrusters (55/75 lb)
1 rope climb (15 ft)
– Rope climb begins from the seated position.
muscle snatch
power snatch
squat snatch
200m run
40 box jumps 24/20
40 situps
200m run
30 box jumps
30 situps
200m run
20 box jumps
20 situps
200m run
10 box jumps
10 situps
power cleans
20 min AMRAP
5 hspu
10 pistols
15 pullups
3 rounds
750/600m row
25 ghd hip extensions
15 db facing burpees