Thursday 8-4-22
10 rounds of:
1:00 min
3 deadlifts 315/205
max double unders
2:00 min rest
10 rounds of:
1:00 min
3 deadlifts 315/205
max double unders
2:00 min rest
Every 5:00 x 3 rounds:
800-m run
Every 3:00 x 5 rounds:
400-m run
12 min AMRAP
9 ring rows
3 ohs 95/65
9 ring rows
6 ohs
9 ring rows
9 ohs
box jump overs 24/20
4 rounds
500/400m row
50 air squats
400m run
”The Standard”
For time with a partner:
30 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)
30 muscle-ups
30 snatches
– One partner works while one rests. Partition the reps as needed
6 rounds
50 doubke unders
25 weighted situps 20/14
5 strict chin-ups
10 DB bench press (35/50 lb)
15 DB deadlifts
For load:
3 sets:
Every 3:00
1 front squat
3 sets:
Every 2:00
2 front squats
3 sets:
Every 1:00
3 front squat
**No morning classes today, both of the evening classes are as usual.
for time with a partner
30 toes-to-bat
1.5 mile run
30 toes-to-bar
1.5 mile run
30 toes -to-bar
one partner works while the other rests
Partition as needed