Friday 7-15-22
150 double unders
30 kb box step ups 53/35 20”
100 double unders
20 kb box step ups
50 double unders
10 kb box step ups
150 double unders
30 kb box step ups 53/35 20”
100 double unders
20 kb box step ups
50 double unders
10 kb box step ups
for time:
500/400m row
power snatch 75/55
bar muscle-ups
500/400m row
7 rounds for load
1 push press +1 push jerk +1 split jerk
5 rounds
5 deadlifts 275/185
10 burpees to target
** no morning classes due to covid,
**We will have 5:30 and 6:30 pm classes
12 min AMRAP
front squats 95/65
The gym will be closed today due to Covid. sorry for the inconvenience.
5 rounds
200m db farmers carry 50/35
15 deficit pushups on db 50/35
10 db push jerks 50/35
30 toes-to-bar
30 yard kb front rack lunges 53/35
20 toes-to-bar
20 yard kb front rack lunges
10 toes-to-bar
10 yard kb front rack lunges
5 rounds
5 weighted strict pullups
5 weighted strict ring dips
3 rounds for reps
1:30 air squats
1:30 sit-ups
1:30 calorie row