Friday 7-1-22
cal row
thrusters 95/65
cal row
thrusters 95/65
10 rounds
7 toes to bar
7 hand release push ups
7 pull ups
over head squats
3 rounds
15 push jerks 155/105
15 box jump overs 24/20
20 min AMRAP
200m run
30/21 cal row
40 air squats
power cleans 95/65
lateral hops over the barbell
alt barbell lunges
lateral hops over the barbell
25 min AMRAP with a partner
50 calories
50 db snatches 50/35
50 GHD situps
50 wall ball shots 20/14
*use any machine available for the calories
on a 20 min running clock, each for time,
0-5 min:
800m sprint
5-10 min:
75 chest to bar pullups
10-15 min:
75 burpees to target
15-20 min:
1000/800m row
9 min AMRAP
9 deadlifts 225/155
3 wall walks
10 rounds
10 kb swings 53/35
10 db thrusters 35/25