Thursday 5-26-22
10 min AMRAP
12 alt db snatches 50/35
4 bar muscle ups
on a 20 min clock,
10 rounds of,
3 front squats
1:00 cals on any machine
25 burpees
400-m weighted run (14/20 lb)
25 weighted pull-ups (14/20 lb)
400-m weighted run
25 handstand push-ups
400-m weighted run
25 chest-to-bar pull-ups
400-m weighted run
25 burpees
9 min AMRAP
10 box jumps 24/20
11 SDLHP 95/65
*must step down from the box
3 rounds
50/35 cal row
150 double-unders
50 walking lunges
5 rounds
20 burpees over the kettlebell
20 Russian kb swings 53/35
2 rounds
50 pullups
15 clean and jerks 135/95
75 situps
back squats 225/135
400m run after each set
7 rounds
15 db deadlifts 50/35
1:00 calorie bike
1:00 rest